SUNDAY- I'm tempted to deny or even forget two events from the past few days. 1.) Baron, at Holland Marine, repaired the fiberglas ding on SeaDream's bow in only three hours. When it happened at the Dismal Swamp Canal, we felt awful and couldn't speak of it for a day. Even though 35 mph wind was the main reason we bumped the lock wall, we should have been more better prepared to move. Now the blemish is gone my horror is fading as well. It's like nothing ever happened. 2.) The other event was my 65
th birthday on Friday! The number has a scary sound even though I enjoyed the special day with all the calls and well wishes. Sister-in-law Carol suggested I simply deny it and claim the age I want to be. Why not! Great idea! So. . . turning 65 is an event I might forget.
Otherwise, we've had tremendous fun visiting with Dee & Brook Williams aboard GH47 East Passage, dining on BBQ from the local Elk's lodge, Mexican with live music at our favorite spot and endless story sharing.
We'll leave in the early afternoon Monday after UPS delivery for an anchorage just South of Jacksonville. We plan to cruise south to the Lake Okeechobee canal and cross over to Florida’s west coast by the end of February.

Nothing ever happened to the bow.

I turn "55".
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