July 16, 2013
Unusually cool weather and low humidity made a near perfect
first cruising day. Mike was up early
applying conditioner to the rub rail and washing the deck one last time before leaving
so SeaDream had showboat sparkle when finally let go of the dock, hoping to hide
our very rusty skills. After a fuel dock stop for dinghy non-ethanol gasoline
and a holding tank flush, we let loose again at 11:15 AM for our 40-plus mile
trip to Wheeler State Park Marina. What a beautiful day! Mid 70’s, no humidity
and a very fresh breeze.
Arrived at 5:30PM and, somewhat “artfully”, docked and tied,
only to realize the slip had a hard to see “occupied” sign. So… hoping for a
repeat performance, we untied and moved over a slip. All went smoothly and a
little of our confidence returned!
Mike called old friends, Fred and Joan Myers, authors of the
famous (among river cruisers and loopers) and definitive guidebooks to the Tenn-Tom
and Cumberland Rivers, and they came to visit for the evening. They live nearby
in Florence, AL. What stories they have of their many years of river adventuring!
We all thoroughly enjoyed dinner at the lodge, then visiting aboard until
Arr Matey. Me thinks you have a pirate aboard your vessel by the name of Louis.