
Sea Dream - Mirage Great Harbour N47

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!


We'll leave Fort Pierce on Tuesday then leave Lake Worth, for the crossing, on Wednesday; wind and waves should be ideal.

Mike has made several trips forays for last minute supplies. I've been flat on my back for a day and a half nursing a pulled back muscle. Happily, today's better and Mike's glad to have me at least semi-operational again. Louie has been a great help, keeping my back warm with his cuddles and bringing me his stuffed monkey for company. I got ashore today for a long slow walk to loosen up.

Linda and Steve joined us for Easter dinner at the marina restaurant, then we boarded SeaDram to plan our Bahamas approach and compare charts.

We expect to leave Lake Worth at 3:00AM Wednesday morning, approach the Little Bahama Banks north of Grand Bahama Island, round Memory Rock then head straight for Great Sale Cay to anchor. It's a 104 mile trip but a safe anchorage.

Final Preparation Day!


Why do todo lists always grow with each passing day, even though we've been chipping away. Mike and I made one “last” grocery and West Marine run this morning. He's had the lion's share of the work, as my back is still tender. I'm better but don't want to push my luck. I reviewed most of the trip charting today with Louie supervising the process.

There's a beautiful sunset now in Fort Pierce. We'll leave for Lake Worth around 10:00AM tomorrow. Be sure to click on the big boat picture at the top of our blog and watch our SPOT as we head South then on to the Abacos, Bahamas. After 3:00AM Wednesday we'll be without internet connections until Friday.

Linda & Louis studying charts.

Mike working on dinghy on flybridge.

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