
Sea Dream - Mirage Great Harbour N47

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Big Switch - Land to Boat Living

After dinner Tuesday evening in Atlanta with Moly, Matt and Will, we stayed the night and had some early Christmas. What fun to see family over the holidays!
The next morning we bypassed most traffic using I-285 and drove seven hours to Green Cove Springs, FL where Sea Dream was waiting, all shiny and clean.
After unpacking the stuffed car, we settled into our water-borne home once again.
At first we’re always a little disoriented, not quite remembering where things are or where they go but soon we even had our little Christmas tree decorated in the salon. Living aboard also requires really economizing on our water & power usage.
Dee and Brook came over to welcome us and we all had dinner at our favorite Mexican Restaurant with the sassy waitress. 
A heavy rain front came through last night and the temperature dropped 20 degrees to the fifties, with howling wind but we still have sunshine today. Louie is enjoying his Frisbee runs with Mike in the big field at Reynolds Park as we settle in, once again, to living on aboard Sea Dream.

                                          Molly, Matt & Louie opening presents.

                                          Clean & shiny Sea Dream.

                                            Decorated for Christmas.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Stuffing the Car for Christmas

What to take and what not to take? Oh well, let’s just take it all!
Packing the car to leave for the boat and the holidays gives Mike a real challenge.
We are leaving for Atlanta to visit Will for a while and spend the night and have a gift exchange with Molly and Matt in the evening. Wednesday morning we will drive to Green Cove Springs, Florida where Sea Dream has been in Holland’s Boat Yard having her bottom cleaned and painted. The shaft seals are being checked and snugged and Sea Dream will start the New Year looking good freshly waxed. Wednesday she will be put in the water and ready to board.
The last time we were all on the boat was in May. We’re ready for more adventure and a lazy cruise over to the West Coast of Florida.