THURSDAY- We took on 501 gallons of diesel before continuing south from Swansboro about 10:00AM. There were four bridges, restricted to opening on either the hour or half hour, to juggle on the day's agenda. We lucked out at Camp LeJeune: there was no live firing practice across the ICW, which often stops all boat traffic for several hours. At 5:30 PM we dropped anchor at Wrightsville Beach, with winds building. Shortly afterward, Bob and Greg on
Doc Holiday, Bob & Julie's new Juneau 45 sailboat, entered the inlet from the open ocean and anchored behind us. Today they had had wonderful off-shore sailing but tomorrow, waves are expected to grow to 20+ feet. They've wisely opted to travel the ICW, instead, for the rest of their trip to Beaufort, SC.
I barbecued hamburgers and we watched T.V. as the wind gathered strength. A gale warning for North Carolina's southern off shore waters is predicted.
FRIDAY- It was was rainy and windy, as predicted, but we traveled southward, leaving the worst behind. We only had one bridge to wait for in strong winds before ending our 70 mile day at Barefoot Marina near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Bob and Greg soon docked behind us and came over for potluck dinner. We had a great time eating and swapping stories.
SATURDAY- The rain left but the high winds with gusts to 35 mph continued. We're staying here today and may tomorrow to see two other Great Harbour owner couples. I did wash and we walked over the swing bridge, a very eerie feeling, wondering if it would move!
Fellow GH owners Gene and Judy Koetitz on LoQueSeA, a GH37, have been here for several weeks. We had a lengthy Happy Hour, comparing notes and trying to learn from their seven years of live-aboard cruising experience. Tomorrow Henry and Debbie Dennig, from Seven Tenths, a GH47, will arrive for even more cruiser talk. We had a lot of fun with them in Baltimore a few weeks ago.
Misty morning in Swansboro.
Going down the ICW in North Carolina.
View out our side door in Barefoot Marina, South Carolina.
Picture of Rachel, Linda's daughter, and puppies with Fall colors in Seattle.